BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID: BEGIN:VEVENT UID:event3101202466a4919689a289.18104457 DTSTART:20240131T170000Z DTEND:20240131T190000Z SUMMARY:Censoring or Rewriting Fairy Tales? Shaping Otherness in "\;The Beauty and the Beast"\;? DESCRIPTION:Campus Westend\, IG-Farben-Gebäude\, Raum IG 457 im Erdgeschoss\nVeranstaltung des FF 5\nEverybody heard about&\;nbsp\;Beauty and the Beast. This fairy tale became part of the popular culture and inspired independent movie directors (from Jean Cocteau to Christophe Gans) as well as the entertainment industry (Disney). However\, few people are aware that a “male gaze” prevailed in establishing the reception of&\;nbsp\;Beauty and the Beast\, which radically transformed the meaning of the story.&\;nbsp\;&\;nbsp\; Written by Madame de Villeneuve in 1740&\;nbsp\;Beauty and the Beast&\;nbsp\;examines figures of otherness in terms of race\, sex\, and social status. It also tackles the issue of sexual consent to unpack female desire\, the constraint of marriage and the encounter of the other. Using&\;nbsp\;Beauty and the Beast&\;nbsp\;as a case study\, I will investigate why a “patriarchal gaze” undervalued female agency in censoring and rewriting the works of women writers.&\;nbsp\;\nJennifer Tamas is Associate Professor of French at Rutgers University (New Jersey\, USA) END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR