BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID: BEGIN:VEVENT UID:event090920116695fa64035af4.10818735 DTSTART:20110909T120000Z DTEND:20110909T123000Z LOCATION:IG 1.414 SUMMARY:Crossroads - Postgraduate Conference on Space in the Early Modern Period DESCRIPTION:Friday\, September 9th\n14:00 Welcome and introduction\n14:30 Tatjana Trikic: “I have no word\, because no country: / Each place is my habitation”. A spatial reading of Thomas Kyd’s Soliman and Perseda\n15:30 Constantin Rieske: The (un)making of a religious self. Conversion in seventeenth-century Europe\n16:30 Coffee break\n17:00 Jessica Stevenson Stewart: In the cards – gambling merchant sociability and the emblematics of chance in sixteenth-century Antwerp merchant communities\n19:00 Dinner\nSaturday\, September 10th\n09:30 Jennifer Bishop: Searching for precious metals in mid-sixteenth-century England and Ireland\n10:30 Hannah August: Constructing the reader – the space of the paratext in early modern play quartos\n11:30 Coffee break\n12:00 Valentina Sebastiani: How books make money. Terms and conditions for printing in sixteenth-century Basel\n13:00 Simon Smith: “I see no instruments\, nor hands that play\, [...] ‘Tis some celestiall rapture of the minde”. Seeing music on the early modern stage\n14:00 Résumé – final discussion\n14:30 End of conference END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR