Goethe Uni

The Cinema in the 21st Century - Art Form or a Form of Life?

Thomas Elsaesser

The subject of this lecture will be the question–already marginally raised by writers on film as diverse as André Bazin, Stanley Cavell and Gilles Deleuze – of whether it makes sense to consider the cinema under a somewhat different aspect from the approaches that dominated the discussion in the first century: is it an art form? is it a language? does it provide the most immediate access to reality or is it merely a deceptive simulation of reality? The challenge will be to see in what ways Siegfried Kracauer can still serve as a guide.

Thomas Elsaesser ist Professor Emeritus für Film- und Fernsehstudien an der Universtät Amsterdam.

Dienstag, 06.11.2012
Beginn: 18:00
Ende: 20:00
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