BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID: BEGIN:VEVENT UID:event030220156639b8c1b42ac3.22638756 DTSTART:20150203T110000Z DTEND:20150203T130000Z LOCATION:IG 1.414 SUMMARY:Metaphors of Memory and Modernity in South Asian Anglophone Novels and Films DESCRIPTION:Vortrag in englischer Sprache im Rahmen der Reihe '\;New Frontiers in Memory Studies'\;.\nThis paper sets out to examine the metaphors of memory and modernity in contemporary South Asian Anglophone literatures.&\;nbsp\; Divided into two parts\, the first part of the paper theorises memory and modernity by particularly addressing the idea of multiple modernities in non-Western contexts. &\;nbsp\;How modernity needs to be understood in South Asian literary and cultural contexts and what kind of connection exists between memory and modernity remain the fundamental strands in this part. Part two analyses various examples from recent works of fiction by Indian and Pakistani writers in order to address metaphors of memory and modernity. I aim to highlight the role of these metaphors in providing us deeper insights into different forms of cultural trajectories in the face of ‘modernity at large’ within the realms of fiction. Furthermore\, I seek to demonstrate contemporary South Asian fiction presenting another phase of memory constellations which can be discussed with reference to the &\;nbsp\;‘transcultural turn’ in memory studies. In conclusion\, the paper underlines the significance of commemorative tropes in making sense of modern memory in the medium of literature. &\;nbsp\;&\;nbsp\;\nWeitere Informationen finden Sie auf der Frankfurt Memory Studies Platform:\n  END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR