BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID: BEGIN:VEVENT UID:event020720136696062c743b94.55445692 DTSTART:20130702T160000Z DTEND:20130702T215959Z SUMMARY:The New Flesh: Material Afterlives of Images DESCRIPTION:Is the internet dead? This is not a metaphorical question. It does not suggest that the internet is dysfunctional\, useless or out of fashion. Instead the questions are very literally whether it is dead\, if it died and whether anyone killed it. Can we indict anyone in any court for this killing and under which jurisdiction? On the other hand: how could anyone ever even suspect such thing? The internet is now more potent than ever. It has not only sparked but fully captured the imagination\, attention and productivity of more people than at any other point before. Never before have more people been dependent on\, embedded into\, surveilled by and exploited by the web. It seems overwhelming\, bedazzling and without alternative. So what could even trigger the suspicion that it might be dead?\nHito Steyerl ist Filmemacherin\, Autorin und Medientheoretikerin in Berlin. Sie lehrt künstlerische Medienpraxis an der Universität der Künste in Berlin. Zu ihren letzten Arbeiten zählen: The Kiss&\;nbsp\;2012\, Adorno´s Grey&\;nbsp\;2012\, The Body of the Image&\;nbsp\;2012 (performance)\, Abstract&\;nbsp\;2012\, Guards&\;nbsp\;2012\; sowie die Vorträge Probable Title: Zero Probability (2012) with Rabih Mroué and I dreamed a dream (2012). Ihre jüngste Publikation ist: The Wretched of the Screen\, eine Essaysammlung (2012). END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR