BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID: BEGIN:VEVENT UID:event19062023664c80792072d7.93698088 DTSTART:20230619T160000Z DTEND:20230619T180000Z SUMMARY:DIE BERLINER REPUBLIK OR HOW TECHNO BECAME WHITE? DESCRIPTION:Alexander Ghedi Weheliye is Malcolm S. Forbes Professor at the Department of Modern Culture and Media at Brown University.\nThis lecture focuses the localization qua making white and cishetero of techno in Berlin\, Frankfurt\, and many other places in Europe in the early nineties. Moreover\, I highlight whitening of techno in Germany happened alongside the extreme violence that Black and other non-white communities experienced after of the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and German reunification a year later\, which are now vigorously expunged from the celebratory historiographies of techno in Germany and the founding of the “Berliner Republik.”\nIn Kooperation mit dem Kunstgeschichtlichen Institut der GU und dem U.S. Consulate General Frankfurt END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR