BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID: BEGIN:VEVENT UID:event251020226634083f2a7d45.15117251 DTSTART:20221025T160000Z DTEND:20221025T180000Z LOCATION:Cas 1.801 SUMMARY:Freimann-Lecture / Jewish Studies in the Anthropocene: a SWOT analysis DESCRIPTION:In this lecture\, delivered with 2.5 years delay\, originally planned to celebrate 50 years of Judaistik at the Goethe Universität\, we will not just look back on the making of a rich and fruitful academic tradition\, but also consider its future potential. As an integral part of the Humanities\, (what) can the Jewish Studies perspective contribute to the academic reflection on today’s – local and global – challenges?\nSpecializing in Jewish intellectual history\, Irene Zwiep holds the chair of Hebrew and Jewish Studies at the University of Amsterdam. END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR