BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID: BEGIN:VEVENT UID:event250520226695f614984407.56123647 DTSTART:20220525T160000Z DTEND:20220525T180000Z SUMMARY:Amazonian Ecopoetry: Zoophytography as Shamanism DESCRIPTION:Veranstaltung des FF 2: Kulturwissenschaftliche Anthropozänforschung\nAmazonian poetry leads us to question strict distinctions between humans\, animals and plants\, categories commonly used to structure the Western perception of reality. In Amazonia\, non-human beings play a central role in Indigenous\, riverine and peasant cosmologies and there is an ongoing commerce between human and non-human life-forms.&\;nbsp\;For local populations\, shamanism designates the ability of some humans to adopt the perspective and ways of thinking of non-humans and\, therefore\, to bring the knowledge of these beings into the human cultural realm. Drawing on the rich traditions of the Amazon River Basin that highlight the porous boundaries between human and non-human life\, this talk reflects upon the possibility of considering Amazonian ecopoetry as zoophytography\, i.e.\, as an inscription of animals and plants in human cultural life\, and\, therefore\, as a form of shamanism.\nPatricia I. Vieira&\;nbsp\;is Researcher at the Center for Social Studies&\;nbsp\;of the&\;nbsp\;University of Coimbra (Portugal).\nDer Vortrag findet via ZOOM statt. END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR