BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID: BEGIN:VEVENT UID:event06122023678eca1a6ab625.32078121 DTSTART:20231206T110000Z DTEND:20231206T130000Z SUMMARY:Fragile Unity of Biblical God\, Handle with Care! Cardozo on Unities of God DESCRIPTION:In this paper two types of unity in Cardozo'\;s texts will be discussed. Cardozo writes on multiple occasions that God'\;s unity is unconditional and indestructible. However\, he also writes on how to mend broken Deity and that a lot of effort is required for us to unify God who is in disarray. How (and why?) are these two types of unity present in Cardozo'\;s texts? Which inconsistencies arise from their&\;nbsp\;violent&\;nbsp\;superposition in this early modern intellectual landscape? This will be discussed and Cardozo'\;s connection to Tiqune Zohar (a medieval Jewish mystical and philosophical text) as one of his sources on these two unities.&\;nbsp\;&\;nbsp\;\nDr. Mark Gondelman ist wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Seminar für Judaistik END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR