BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID: BEGIN:VEVENT UID:event27062012669607844a0269.39884255 DTSTART:20120627T130000Z DTEND:20120627T120000Z LOCATION:IG 411 SUMMARY:How History Enters Photography DESCRIPTION:Thursday\, 28 June 15.00-15.30 Welcome and Introduction\n15.30-16.30 Elective Affinities? History and Photography – Jens Jäger (Köln)\n17.00-19.00 African Photography Constructing African Imaginary through Photography – Moussa Konaté (Bamako\, Mali) Presentness\, Memory\, and History in Thabiso Sekgalas Work ”Homeland“ – Marie-Héléne Gutberlet (Frankfurt) Exploring the Atlantic Visualscape: Photography in West and Central Africa 1840-1890 – Jürg Schneider (Basel\, Switzerland)\n Friday\, 29 June 09.30-11.00 Indonesia through a Colonial and a Migrant Lens Family Photographs from the Netherlands-Indies: Postcolonial Memory and Nostalgia – Pamela Pattynama (Amsterdam\, The Netherlands) The Memorability of Indonesian Colonial Photograph – Paulus Bijl (Utrecht\, The Netherlands)\n11.30-13.30 Locations of History Abandoned Battlefields: The Absence of the Historic Moment in Contemporary Photography – Sonja Fessel (Bern\, Switzerland) It'\;s Light\, NoTruth – Johannes Hepp (München) Magnum'\;s Geographies: Toward a Global Sense of Place – Steven D. Hoelscher (Austen\, USA)\n15.00-17.00 Archive I: Private and Public Dimensions of Family and Wedding Photography American Fathers – Christoph Ribbat (Paderborn) Where the Public Meets the Private. Royal Weddings\, Photographs and Memories – Jens Ruchatz (Erlangen) Configuring History: Wedding Photography and the Art of Story Telling – John Nassari (London\, UK)\n17.30-19.30 Archive II: Intermedial Usage of the Archive Memory Works: The Art of Daniel Blaufuks – Mark Durden (Newport\, UK) Re-Imagining the Family Album through Literary Adaptation – Sally Waterman (London\, UK) Against Amnesia: Appropriation and/as Ars Memorativa – Verena Kuni (Frankfurt)\n Saturday\, 30 June 10.00-12.00 Archive III: Visual Archives in an Entangled World Photographic Collections in Academia – Margit Prussat (Bamberg) Portraits of Distant Worlds: Frobenius'\; Pictoral Archive and its Legacy – Richard Kuba (Frankfurt) How to Use Colonial Photography in Africa Sub-Sahara for Educational and Academic Purposes: The Case of Togo – Kokou Azamede (Lomé\, Togo)\n12.30-14.00 Final Round Table Astrid Erll\, Sissy Helff\, Stefanie Michels\, John Nassari END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR