BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID: BEGIN:VEVENT UID:event030720156696075f087de4.25044481 DTSTART:20150703T070000Z DTEND:20150703T170000Z LOCATION:SH 05.104 SUMMARY:Jahreskonferenz 2015 DESCRIPTION:The Disasters of Violence\, War and Extremism 1813 – 2015&\;nbsp\;\nAnnual Conference of the Frankfurt Humanities Research Centre\n3. – 4.7.2015\nGoethe University\, Norbert-Wollheim-Platz 1\, 60323 Frankfurt am Main\n 3 July 2015 Goethe-University\, Seminarhaus\, Room 05.104 08:00 Conference Desk / Registration 09:00 Matthias Lutz-Bachman\, Representative of the University Presidency\, Frankfurt a. M.: Welcome Address 09:05 Steffen Bruendel / Frank Estelmann\, Frankfurt a. M.: Introduction &\;nbsp\; Section 1: The Meanings of War and Violence Chair: Steffen Bruendel\, Frankfurt a. M. 09:15 Galili Shahar\, Tel Aviv: The German War-Machine (1800) &\;nbsp\; &\;nbsp\; Markus Wriedt\, Frankfurt a. M.: Religious Legitimation of Violence. The Support of War and Violence through Ecclesiastical Loyality and Militant Nationalism in German Protestantism between 1813 and 1945 10:30 Coffee Break &\;nbsp\; Section 2: War Theatres - Theatres of War Chair: Christian Wiese\, Frankfurt a. M. 11:15 Iris Rachamimov\, Tel Aviv: Female Impersonation in World War I Internment Camps &\;nbsp\; Martina Groß\, Hildesheim: Performing the Escape of Time - Hugo Ball\, DADA and World War I &\;nbsp\; Nikolaus Müller-Schöll\, Frankfurt a. M.: Wars Without Battles - the Theatre of Brecht and Heiner Müller 13:30 Lunch Break 14:30 Campus Tour &\;nbsp\; Section 3: Contesting Memories: World War I Chair: Christoph Cornelißen\, Frankfurt a. M. 15:00 Frederike Felcht\, Frankfurt a. M. / Anja Peltzer\, Mannheim: Epidemic Military Culture - Holger Madsen'\;s Film "\;Lay Down Your Arms"\; (1914) &\;nbsp\; Gal Hertz\, Tel Aviv: Deutschland ist Hamlet? Shakespeare und Deutscher Geist in World War I &\;nbsp\; Ahmet Sen\, Frankfurt a. M.: Two Sides\, One Faith. A Perspective on Jewish Soldiers’ Transnational Memories of World War I 17:30 Break or Visit of the Summer Festival on Campus 20:00 Dinner &\;nbsp\; &\;nbsp\; 4 July 2015 Goethe-University\, Seminarhaus\, Room 05.104 &\;nbsp\; Section 4: Shadows of Conflicts and Violence Chair: Iris Rachamimov\, Tel Aviv&\;nbsp\; 09:00 Astrid Erll\, Frankfurt a. M.: "\;Don'\;t look back in anger"\;. New Memory Studies Perspectives on the First World War &\;nbsp\; Omri Ben-Yehuda\, Tel Aviv: The Renaissance of Hebrew and the European War: the Case of Agnon 10:30 Coffee Break 11:00 Ingrid Gilcher-Holtey\, Bielefeld: Theatre Against War: From Erwin Piscator to the “Living Theatre” &\;nbsp\; Silja Behre\, Tel Aviv: Long Shadows of the Past? The Meaning of Violence in the Memory of 1968 - A German-French Perspective 12:30 Lunch Break &\;nbsp\; Section 5: Violence\, Ideology and Statehood Chair: Galili Shahar\, Tel Aviv&\;nbsp\; 13:30 Mihran Dabag\, Bochum: Gestaltung durch Vernichtung. Generationale Selbstermächtigung und die Politik des Genozids [Forming by Extermination. Generational Self-Empowerment and the Politics of Genocide] &\;nbsp\; Tilmann J. Röder\, Heidelberg: Transitional Justice in Germany. 1945 - 2015 15:00 Coffee Break &\;nbsp\; Section 6: Audio-Visual Presentations of War and Violence Chair: Frank Estelmann\, Frankfurt a. M. 16:00 Yaron Jean\, Haifa: The Great War and the Birth of Modern Soundscape &\;nbsp\; Jochen Schuff\, Frankfurt a. M.: Narrating the "\;War on Terror"\;: Trauma and Justification in “Homeland”. 19:00 Steffen Bruendel / Frank Estelmann: Closing Remarks END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR